
Terzo di Danciano

c.s. Val di Pierle, 58

Skan Bodywork Workshop 

In order to be able to shape our life joyfully, responsibly, compassionately and freely, we need a deep understanding and anchoring in the body: a "feeling of oneself" and a "being with oneself". This agreement with oneself forms the basis for being powerful and compassionate in the world from one's own living core.
Skan Bodywork especially helps to experience, understand and feel one's own body as an inseparable part of one's own individual existence. We not only learn to face our own injuries and fears, but also to express our own longing and liveliness.

The workshops form a protected framework in which it is possible to experiment with oneself, to try oneself out and to communicate from experienced "self-awareness". In addition to movement work, breathing rituals, work on the mat and exercises in the group, we use theatre work as a playful means of expression.

 Info:  skanakademie-koeln.de

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